Sunday 2 November 2008

Right Skill, Right Place, Right Time

We're all trying to look at workforce across multiple organisations. Emergency Preparedness, Flu Pandemic, Children's Trusts, Health and Social Care workforce groups (regional), and so on.
The key blockage appears to be motivation. Organisations want to know WIIFM (What's in it for me) or they aren't interested. Primary Care Trusts - PCTs (sorry, the local NHS) can give money to independent contractors (GPs, Dentists, Pharmacists - and more) to give up the information, but children's trusts, with the requirement to gather the information across health (multiple parts), social care, education, justice and housing, anyone I've missed? are required to find this information without the cash to offer incentives.
Blockage 2 is comparing like with like. A competence in an aspect of child protection may be called different things by different organisations/ services, and may be a whole course or multiple courses for one service, but a part of a qualification for another. How do you know what you've got?
What about people who aren't using all their skills in their current role (and do we ever?). They are part of the available workforce but they aren't in the current workforce. They need to be factored in when deciding how many more to train.
This is a key interest for me and I'd like to hear from more organisations wishing to understand their children's workforce. Contact me at

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